You simply have to take care of a number of things when you’re preparing to travel around the world. As we discussed in part one, not taking care of visas, vaccinations, or coming up with a budget and saving accordingly is a recipe for disaster. Good intentions are not enough here, you need knowledge that …
Author: Paddy Devaney
This is not a dream
We hope we’re about to set off on the type of trip that we’ve always dreamed of, but this is not a dream. To be where we are now has taken work. We’re working now. We have our sights set on the other side of the world and our minds locked on the first steps …
Traveling: How to plan and prepare for a big trip – Part 1: The Essentials
It is true, you don’t want to overburden yourself when you’re planning a long trip abroad. You don’t want travel plans that ask more than you can give. You do, however, need to take care of some official business before you start travelling around the world, and there is a lot of travel planning that …